Reactive test/treat pilot in multiple districts

This collaborative work between MAP, the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) and the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in Tanzania is proposed to conduct a secondary analysis to the data collected from a community-based reactive testing and response project in selected districts in Tanzania. An enhanced surveillance database where malaria incidence were captured at the lowest spatial units representing the residence of the cases was established during the reactive project. A proposed work aims to map the malaria risk in the project districts comparing the village-aggregated data from the enhanced system to the health-facility based data collected through the web-based electronic information system (DHIS2). 

The hypothesis tested here is that the health-facility based data misalign malaria risk due to the assumption that patients seek care at close proximity, which may not be a case due to variations in facility attraction and patient care seeking preferences. In addition, health facility population-at-risk to apply when calculating incidence rates is always not known with certainty. 

This analysis is expected to provide a more accurate micro-scale distribution of malaria risk in the study districts. Findings from this work contributes to the malaria stratification activities done by the NMCP in particularly in areas where malaria transmission is highly heterogeneity and may be useful to guide appropriate responses.


This work will be done in collaboration with:

  • Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania 
  • The National Malaria Control Program, Tanzania