Tracing the spread of Anopheles stephensi in different states in Sudan

This project will support entomological data collection of essential information on An. Stephensi bionomics and its susceptibility to the available malaria vector control methods in Sudan. The project will cover sentinel sites across the country commencing with nine western states, to further explore the distribution and geographical presence of the vector as well as the impact of vector control measures (IRS, LLINs and LSM). Collaborating with researchers and malaria program staff, we will:

(1) Determine the geographical presence and distribution of An. Stephensi across Sudan. 

(2) Update and validate vector density maps to enable identification of habitats permissible to An. stephensi establishment. 

(3) Conduct Spatio-temporal analysis of entomological data in the western states of Sudan and,

(4) Develop mathematical modelling of the contribution of An. stephensi to local malaria transmission including efficacy of existing and new vector control strategies.

This project will also address gaps in spatial analysis capacities by exploring a variety of mechanisms to accelerate the development of analytical skillsets in geospatial and mathematical modelling of infectious diseases in Sudan. This includes via co-supervision of postgraduate students, hands-on spatial analysis training, mentorship in manuscript writing and grant application, etc. The overarching objective is to enhance analytical skillsets for research and decision making in malaria and other infectious diseases surveillance and control. We also hope to generate evidence to support routine application of locally driven R&D in operational planning and decision-making process e.g., ongoing sub-national tailoring of interventions and provide malaria risk stratification maps. 


Federal Ministry of Health Sudan (departments of: Diseases Control Directorate, Integrated Vector Management and National Malaria Control Program)

Omdurman Islamic University (OIU) Sudan