How we help fight against malaria

Everything MAP does is geared around achieving impact. This only happens by engagement with those making the decisions that matter, including malaria policy makers, funders and control program personnel.

Our Impact

What We Do

MAP is dedicated to driving positive impact in malaria policy, funding decisions, scientific research and capacity strengthening. We prioritize research excellence in generating analytical insights that accelerate progress towards malaria eradication.

Our pioneering global map of Plasmodium falciparum malaria endemicity has served as a crucial resource for global malaria strategy and policy formulation, national program implementation, and monitoring efforts. For years, we have maintained the largest and most comprehensive malaria data repository which provides core malaria analytics such as malaria burden and intervention coverage and cause-specific mortality estimation, to World Health Organization’s annual World Malaria Report. MAP’s analytical insights also guide decisions on RTSS vaccine prioritisation, the Global Fund’s allocation and replenishment decisions across diseases and countries, and inform progress, projections, and advocacy for investment cases. We are also key contributors to the Institute of Health Metrics’ Global Burden of Disease study.

Our estimates and model outputs are used by a range of downstream stakeholders including intergovernmental organizations, funding and implementing partners, modeling groups and research organizations. Notable examples include contributions to the World Bank’s global database, ALMA’s scorecard, Malaria No More Commonwealth Dashboard and the President’s Malaria Initiative annual performance monitoring and reporting to congress

MAP’s role in creating robust evidence for national malaria policy and decision-making is further strengthened by presence on the African continent, where we provide tailored, timely support to 40 malaria-endemic countries. This support is closely integrated with efforts to strengthen research leadership in geospatial malaria modelling to ensure sustained impact.



Evaluating COVID-19-Related Disruptions to Effective Malaria Case Management in 2020–2021 and Its…

published 05 April 2023
Authors: Paulina A. Dzianach et al

Indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on malaria intervention coverage, morbidity, and…

published 21 September 2020
Authors: Daniel J Weiss et al

Maps and metrics of insecticide-treated net access, use, and nets-per-capita in Africa…

published 11 June 2021
Authors: Amelia Bertozzi-Villa et al

Mapping the global endemicity and clinical burden of Plasmodium vivax, 2000–17: a…

published 19 June 2019
Authors: Katherine E Battle et al

Mapping the global prevalence, incidence, and mortality of Plasmodium falciparum, 2000–17: a…

published 19 June 2019
Authors: Daniel J Weiss et al

Plasmodium falciparum Mortality in Africa between 1990 and 2015

published 21 June 2017
Authors: N/A

Researchers Publications

Mapping malaria by sharing spatial information between incidence and prevalence datasets

published 07 November 2020
Authors: Tim C.D. Lucas et al

Mapping malaria seasonality in Madagascar using health facility data

published 10 February 2020
Authors: Michele Nguyen et al

Spatiotemporal mapping of malaria prevalence in Madagascar using routine surveillance and health…

published 22 October 2020
Authors: Rohan Arambepola et al

The invisible burden of malaria-attributable stillbirths – Authors’ reply

published 23 January 2020
Authors: Peter Gething et al

A stakeholder workshop about modelled maps of key malaria indicator survey indicators…

published 22 March 2019
Authors: Rosalind E. Howes et al

Growing evidence of Plasmodium vivax across malaria-endemic Africa

published 31 January 2019
Authors: Katherine A. Twohig et al

Mapping changes in housing in sub-Saharan Africa from 2000 to 2015

published 27 March 2019
Authors: Lucy S. Tusting et al

Model ensembles with different response variables for base and meta models: malaria…

published 16 February 2019
Authors: Tim C. D. Lucas et al

The contribution of non-malarial febrile illness co-infections to Plasmodium falciparum case counts…

published 11 June 2019
Authors: Ursula Dalrymple et al

The origins and relatedness structure of mixed infections vary with local prevalence…

published 12 July 2019
Authors: Sha Joe Zhu et al

A global map of travel time to cities to assess inequalities in…

published 10 January 2018
Authors: D. J. Weiss et al

Associated patterns of insecticide resistance in field populations of malaria vectors across…

published 21 May 2018
Authors: Penelope A. Hancock et al